Losses Can Be Wins

“Life is unfair to those who view it that way.” Said someone once. And they’re right. Very recently I had to rehome Jasper because I came into a living situation that did not allow dogs. I cried every night at the thought of having to part with my baby. It took a full week of working closely with my cousin to find her a new home where I knew she would be loved just as much as I loved her. As easy as it would be to make the decision to keep her and live out of my truck, it was the selfish decision. I had the best 2 years of my life spending my days with her. I was in a really dark place when I got her and she lit up my world. Now it’s time to pass her on to someone else who needs her to be their sunshine. I am forever grateful to Jasper and the comfort she brought me in those hard times. I will always love her, and miss her deeply. It stings to see her go and I am eternally indebted to the loving family in Colorado who was able to give her better life. This is a new chapter and I want it to start out strong.

For Jasper.

Love, Madi

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  • Losses Can Be Wins

    “Life is unfair to those who view it that way.” Said someone once. And they’re right. Very recently I had to rehome Jasper because I came into a living situation that did not allow dogs. I cried every night at the thought of having to part with my baby. It took a full week of…

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